Raw, Wet & Lost EP

Kasi Soul

This is an EP that includes all the finished & WIP tracks who's production files where lost when I accidentally formatted my hard drive in December 2019. They are "Raw" in the sense that they are Un-mastered and can never be as I cannot recover the original stems. They are however "Wet" in that they were once exported from the various DAW's I

This is an EP that includes all the finished & WIP tracks who's production files where lost when I accidentally formatted my hard drive in December 2019. They are "Raw" in the sense that they are Un-mastered and can never be as I cannot recover the original stems. They are however "Wet" in that they were once exported from the various DAW's I use while they were WIP and therefore include effects & some mixing. They definitely still sound great and I offer them to you freely for your own listening & downloading pleasure. With this EP, I officially give birth to my Bandcamp account & look forward to all the music I will share with you. Be sure to Follow me as an artist so you can get notified when ever I release any Music & Merch.

Middle of the Night Everytime I listen to this track, It gives me night vibes, especially when it hits the break. if you turn the volume up enough, you will get this feeling too. its as if, you are in the middle of a rave at night and the sound just carries you to some dimension that I cant explain myself.

I guess its Quigley This track was named "Quigley inspired" in my folders, I'm not even sure who Quigley is. A google search tells me it's an Irish Surname however for the life of me, I just cant figure out who Quigley is, hence the name of this track.

Zulus & Monks As this tracks builds, it hits you with a choir-ish sound that resembles that of monks & when it gets to the Break, some Zulu chanting beautifully merges with this choir sound to create something so magical. the name is literal due to this above fact.

Land or War This track was inspired by the #NODAPL - North Dakota Pipeline protesters who were protesting the forced installation of the Pipeline on Land they considered Sacred. as the war of resistance between the protesters & the police, one protestor was heard shouting "They either stop this installation on our land or we will keep this War going". it is from this statement that these words originate. "Land or War" then became a message of support to all peoples who were fighting for their Land. this is the Original Mix that unfortunately did not get Mastered. a Reprise version of it did though & it shall be released in an Upcoming EP.

A Ross for Diana This track was originally made for an unofficial remix of Diana Ross's - Take me Higher. as it is a remix that I can never officially release due to the lack of rights, I release this beat without the vocals and have decided to title it "A Ross for Diana" a play on words that signify me paying homage to her & her great works.

People of Tanzania (Bonus Track) People of Tanzania is a song I did using a sound clip of a bustling market in the village of Ngarenanyuki, in Tanzania. you hear it in the background as the track takes you on journey through the market. This was released under my Soundcloud page as a free download, hence it is included here as a bonus track.

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